1. What is a Steel Challenge?
A steel challenge is shooting competition where you shoot steel targets. There will be 5 stations of 5 steel targets that each participant will shoot. Each participant will shoot 2 rounds per target. You will have 2 attempts at each stage, and we will count the best score from each. Scoring is based on both speed and accuracy. The goal is to hit each target twice, as quickly as possible.
2. What do I need to bring?
In our Steel Challenge, each participant will be shooting .22 caliber weapons. You will need to bring a .22 pistol that holds at least 10 rounds, 100 rounds of ammunition, and a case for your weapon. We will have ammunition available for sale if you need it. We will have the small foam earplugs available for our shooters, but if you have your own hearing and eye protection, you should bring that as well. Sunglasses and prescription glasses are acceptable forms of eye-pro. For the safety of all participants, each weapon will need to be in a case when you are not shooting and moving from station to station. When it is your turn to shoot, there will be a table at the station for you to safely uncase your weapon and get ready to shoot.
3. What about the weather?
This is an outdoor event, and May can bring unseasonable warm/cold weather. We will not have a rain date, so please plan your clothing accordingly.
4. How Much does it cost?
To enhance the fun and competition of the shoot, you will be going through the stations with a 4-man team. Your team cost is $200 which will include a continental breakfast, a box lunch, a t-shirt, and entry into the competition. While each individual will be scored separately, your team score will be the one in the rankings.
5. Where is the Steel challenge being held?
The Chamber’s Steel Challenge is being held at Sugar Creek Range in Lancaster. This is a large outdoor range that has worked with the Chamber to create Steel Challenge stations that are built around the nature of the land and we think you will find quite enjoyable! The address to Sugar Creek Range is 1033 Perry Rogers Road, Lancaster, Ky 40444. Most phone direction apps will take you right to Sugar Creek. Just in case, there will be directional signs posted starting on Hwy 52 and Hwy 34 from Danville toward Lancaster, so that you can easily find the range.
6. How do I register?
Complete the registration form on this website, print it out and return it with your fee to the Danville-Boyle County Chamber of Commerce, 304 Walnut Avenue, Danville, Ky 40422. Please register as a team. If your teammates wish to pay individually, please include all those payments with the one registration. If you have any questions about registration, call 859-583-2142.
7. Is there anything happening after the shoot?
Yes! We are very excited to present a machine gun shoot! We will have a demonstration of a Thompson Submachine Gun. After the demonstration, we will have a full-auto MP5 and a full-auto M4 carbine available for you to shoot. This is a unique opportunity to handle some rare weapons. You can choose to shoot either of the guns (or both). While we are not charging an extra fee to shoot the machine guns, you will need to pay for your ammunition. We will charge $1 per round. You can shoot 10 or 100 rounds!
8. What if I have never shot a gun before?
If you are a true novice and have never shot a pistol, this event is not for you. Because it is a timed-competitive shoot, we are asking that people who participate are at least familiar with a gun and have a degree of comfort with the weapon.
9. Is there a minimum age?
Yes, this first year we are only taking shooters who are 21 years and older. While we recognize that many youths are comfortable with weapons and are good shots, we are concentrating on adults for our first shoot and hoping to expand to youths at a later shoot. Due to safety concerns, all spectators must be at least 13 years of age.
10. Should I register in advance?
YES! You must register by April 28, 2017. We will need to enter your information into a computer program to allow the counter to get accurate information during your steel challenge shoot. Also, we will be putting your team in a time-specific slot, pre-registration will allow us to assign each team a time slot, making the morning of the shoot run more smoothly. Also, we will be gathering your t-shirt size on the pre-registration form, to make sure that your t-shirt will fit!
11. Can I register the day of the shoot?
If space allows, yes. Please note that we will not guarantee that anyone who registers the morning of the shoot will get a t-shirt, as those are being ordered in advance based on pre-registration.
12. How will the shoot work?
On the morning of the shoot, you should plan to be at the range by 7:30am. We will have a welcome desk with additional information on how the day will run, as well as a registration desk where we will give you your assigned shoot time. The first group will start at 8am, and we think the event will be over around 1pm. There is a brief, mandatory safety talk. Each team member will shoot the steel challenge station before moving on the next station. When the steel challenge is completed, those who are interested in shooting a machine gun will proceed to the machine gun shoot range. There will be an award ceremony following the event.
13. Is there anything else I should know?
There are a few range rules that everyone should be aware of. Please understand that failure to obey the safety rules will result in removal from the event, and forfeiture of any fees paid.
1. No alcohol or controlled substances. Anyone who is under the influence will not be allowed on the range.
2. Hearing and eye protection must be worn by all shooters and spectators.
3. All weapons will be cased while traveling to/from the range, and between stations.
4. If you are carrying a personal weapon, keep it in the holster.
5. Each station will have a Range Safety Officer (RSO). Follow all commands from the RSO.